Hello February,wish you had good good news a head for me,okies ;')
Yeah,1 Feb is holiday for resident whose stay at Wil.Persekutuan place,so had a long long day with family,wake up late morning then get breakfast and bring my lil bro and sis to the BOOK EKSPO,really nice right,kakak yg baik hati bawa adik2 g jejalan dengan meninggalkan ibunyer di rumah,wish her mum had a rest alone without her kids at home plus she should just rest ok !
Actually,that wasn't a planning to do so,tiba2 wake up in the morning and said to my sis,
"jum,siap cepat,kite g jejalan arini,kite g Midvalley jum"
and my mum said
"aik,tetiba jer nie,apa masalah??? da,da alang,na..pergi mandi,breakfast then ikut kak long tu "
then i reply to her,
"tak de apa masalah pun,saje jer nak bawa diaorg,ibu duk j la rumah yer"
with a long long smile put on my face
In the middle of way to the Mall,just found out about Book Ekspo,so we headed to the place,dalan hati,"aduhh,pe hal lak baru arini nak wat Ekspo,nape bukan mgg lepas !" because sebelum tu menghabiskan byk wit untuk beli buku.Yes.I'm addicted to book..errrkkhhh..I think so la..the true is i'm addicted to comic,pantang tengok mesti akan beli,sehinggakan pernah this one guy belikan i comic sebanyak 5 buah,just because i'm really into it.I prefer comic than novel rather than anything,poorly on magazine.But every month i'll buy Cosmopolitan.Without it,i think my life is not complete.I collect a lot comic till half of my room is full with comic...
Just this some of book yg tinggal,mostly the other had been dump for rubbish.Poor ;')
Nvm,like the oldies said "Rumah tanpa buku ibarat hidup tanpa jiwa".Sekian.So,since i was child my mum already taught me to read a book.Stop.Wrong.Actually my dad,yup,he always teach his daughter English,read a english book,so that's why i prefer English than Malay,mungkin sbb dah terbiasa kot.
That's why nowaday my lil sis sangat kurang membaca,kalo mewarna,dia mmg into it,but when it come to read,she very very slow.And this kind attitude,really make me worry and feel, "ape kes la ngan adik aku nie?apasal la dia sangat slow untuk membaca",plus nak mengeja pun agak slow,well this really make me worry because she allready standard one now,supposed to be dia dah lancar,ok ! .
Then my mum continue,she slow maybe because genetic,i learn from my dad,which walaupun dia agak "bengong" but toward his kids he really "menjaga" especially about education,that's why he taught me English since i was toddler.Compare to her,her dad doesn't teach her,he leave it all to my mum to take care everything.Hence,look like kite senasib for certain part la.Hence,i feel so guilty toward my lil sis,mcm dia terkebelakang sedikit compare other cousin yg dah pandai membaca.
Jadi this my chance to buy her certain book that suitable to her,againts alang want revision book for his studies.Yup,we buy some book,really cheap price,and i'm wait for next Ekspo,maybe on May 2012,i think la.And now,kegilaan comic agak berkurangan and i feel into other section which is Cooking !!!
* feel wanna collect another collection ;)
When i'm on reading mode,everything happen around me is totally out.Concentrate.Focus.Hingga my mum slalu cakap "urm,kak long kalo dah dpt buku,benda lain pun tak tengok dah,laki hensem depan mata pun tak pandang dah" ,well that's me,when i feel happy,sad or another emotion come around i prefer for reading.
I will keep myself busy with reading so i will not to think about you.No matter how much your message come,i will be busy for reading,especially now,when i'm get addicted for Stephen Meyer writing.That's me,my ego always high,trying not to think about you so much.Don't wanna let u to come across my mind,even once.Because,i want you to know that i'm ok with this situation.But,no matter how hard i try,you always come to the end of the day,especially when i want to close my eyes.
"Ya Allah,please lend me your strength,so i can put You on the Top"
p/s:i feel so jealous to look other couple holding hand each other,so lonely without you..wish you here beside me now,so i can hug you tightly,close to me...really miss you Syed Abdul Hadi..

p/s: sorry okies tibe2 tak kasi turun KL..hehe..actually agak gumbira dihati when u wanna come to KL just wanna meet me,here ;)
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