Ini blog kepunyaan aku,Ekin.Di sini aku bermadah serta meluahkan perasaan...ssiiighhhhh...poyoz (^.^)v
السلام عليكم....
Little devil is speak out
Monday, May 28, 2012
Selamat Ulang Tahun ~
As usuall..same like last year,Cakur is the first person to wish..then mum..and..not forget to my one of my bestfriend,Efie...Arigataouuu !!!!!!!! Kasamhamida ^____^
For those yg wish kat FB tu,sy amat sangat menghargai nyer,cume tak sempat nak balas jer,sorry ekh..huhu..ape-apa pun trimas yer...jasa mu sume amat ku hargai ^____^
And not forget to my lovely sugar daddy @ my uncle @ Achik,awal 2 minggu dia dah wish and he give a Shopping bag..tu first time dengar "MANGO" brand..hehe..trimas yer..arigatou ;)
By the way..umo sudah 25 tahun,huhu...Waaarghhhhh >.<
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Yeah,it's you..
I think i got a crush on you..
so sweet like caramel..
sometime too sour to taste...
you are sweet caramel
come to me..
come on let's go and have fun out there..
there is rainbow outside...
here too much cloudy..
come on sweet caremel ;)
Long distance relationship
Long distance relationship??? huh..sometime it feel so booorrriiinnnggggg......Because when u look at other couple,u wish ur boy were beside u,u wish that u can cuddle ur boy very tightly...But sometime it also good for those people feel wanna "test the market" by make another love..Poor right..Long long long time ago,i'm also such that person,always wanna "test the market",i feel very good when there is a guy said "I got crush on you" or even said "I love you".I feel OTT,everytime i look an "emo boy" i definetly wanna test him,it so interesting.I'm melting when look at the "emo" faces,my cup of tea ^____^
Terutama dlm cite coffee price,mr.waffle..Hyung !!!!
BUT..when i'm grow up...i'm slowly feel akward...i don't know why..but I don't feel wanna "test market" anymore,i don't have any feeling toward any guy's that come to approach me,even that guy totally was preety boy,handsome,good looking,rich.body builder..but still that feeling didn't come..
UNTILL..He come to me,i don't know him,where the hell he come from,he approach me,asking for a number,and i give it,and on that night,he call and ask for married..and what a suprise,i said yes..
On 18.04.2012,it was a our anniversary...But,it was a long distance relationship,after a year,he finally asking permision from my mum for asking me out,and that was our first date.He still like the first time i met him,i feel that he not change,what i mean..his love..his passion to me..still like the first time he ask for married..still the same,though it even more stornger..STAY THE SAME..STRONGER..
YET,it still long distance relationship...but,i become tired..tiring..too hold it any longer is tiring...
THEN..the feeling come again,i try to be loyalty..and i wish that feeling doesn't come..but look like i feel it,feel wanna too flirt.. ;p
ACTUALLY,it just a crush..and that boy look too ego to said Hi,compare his friend always giving a smile,so,i don't wanna to teasing him,though he got emo face..but look alike now..when i have conversation with his friend,he will come to us,then just jump to the conversation..and sometime,when his friend come and give me a snack,he also come and "jump" to me and give a snack...Sekarang pun dah pandai dah nak berkirim-kirim salam...alahai...nafsu ku goyah....
Terutama dlm cite coffee price,mr.waffle..Hyung !!!!
BUT..when i'm grow up...i'm slowly feel akward...i don't know why..but I don't feel wanna "test market" anymore,i don't have any feeling toward any guy's that come to approach me,even that guy totally was preety boy,handsome,good looking,rich.body builder..but still that feeling didn't come..
UNTILL..He come to me,i don't know him,where the hell he come from,he approach me,asking for a number,and i give it,and on that night,he call and ask for married..and what a suprise,i said yes..
On 18.04.2012,it was a our anniversary...But,it was a long distance relationship,after a year,he finally asking permision from my mum for asking me out,and that was our first date.He still like the first time i met him,i feel that he not change,what i mean..his love..his passion to me..still like the first time he ask for married..still the same,though it even more stornger..STAY THE SAME..STRONGER..
YET,it still long distance relationship...but,i become tired..tiring..too hold it any longer is tiring...
THEN..the feeling come again,i try to be loyalty..and i wish that feeling doesn't come..but look like i feel it,feel wanna too flirt.. ;p
ACTUALLY,it just a crush..and that boy look too ego to said Hi,compare his friend always giving a smile,so,i don't wanna to teasing him,though he got emo face..but look alike now..when i have conversation with his friend,he will come to us,then just jump to the conversation..and sometime,when his friend come and give me a snack,he also come and "jump" to me and give a snack...Sekarang pun dah pandai dah nak berkirim-kirim salam...alahai...nafsu ku goyah....
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Gloomy Moody
Setiap hari bermula dengan senyuman
Bahagia mula menerjah..
Gembira tak terkata
walaupun kau sekadar lalu didepan ku..
Namun ia tetap mengembirakan hati ini..
Bahagia mula menerjah..
Gembira tak terkata
walaupun kau sekadar lalu didepan ku..
Namun ia tetap mengembirakan hati ini..
Mengapa tiba-tiba kau berubah..
Mengapa aku tidak kau tegur seperti biasa..
Sedar kah engkau perkara ini mengusarkan ku..
Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikap mu..
Mengapa tiba-tiba kau berubah..
Mengapa aku tidak kau tegur seperti biasa..
Sedar kah engkau perkara ini mengusarkan ku..
Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikap mu..
Rela kan aku yang kita tidak ditakdirkan bersama...
Aku pasrah apabila kau mula menjauhkan diri..
Namun,aku tetap gembira jika kau gembira..
Kini hanya menunggu masa sahaja..
Aku mendoakan kau bahagia di hujung sana..
Aku pasrah apabila kau mula menjauhkan diri..
Namun,aku tetap gembira jika kau gembira..
Kini hanya menunggu masa sahaja..
Aku mendoakan kau bahagia di hujung sana..
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Hi..wish u just in great mood,insyaALLAH..actually i post this entry only to share with you guy's which how i feel toward this boys'...
There's rumors here about this boy as Mr.A always come and take a look at this girl,call as Miss B.Everyone keep teasing on her,she feel happy and sometime excited...but she know exactly what happen surround her and why that Mr.A always come and look at this department,she try to control it so that secret would not explode.But as much she keep trying to keep it,the hard the rumors spread.Poor to her..because the true is that Mr.A is keep stare to next Miss B,whose is Miss Y.He always texting to Miss Y.Miss Y try to be friendly with everyone since she was new there,actually hard to Miss Y to reply the text,yet she still reply Mr.A message just in name of friend...
As time past,Miss Y become more friendly and make a new friend there,where Miss Y feel comfortable with Mr.X.Miss Y knew that Mr.X always look at her as he walk pass by.Plus,Mr.X always asking about Miss Y to the other colleuge.There is happy moment between Mr.X and Miss Y which he stick Miss Y note pink colour at his PC,and everyone keep asking Mr.X whose the girl in pink note.He just smile.Big smile on his face.What a beautiful boy.
Yet,Mr.A doesn't know there is something between Mr.X and Miss Y,so he keep trying to seduce Miss Y,and Miss Y feel annoying with his attitude.She want to tell someone,whose that person was Mr.H.But she too afraid to tell Mr.H that there someone always teasing her.Because Mr.H and Miss Y was a lover,and Mr.X only a crush...Miss Y totally madly in love with Mr.H,she too afraid to tell the truth yet she feel that would hurt Mr.H feeling,but she really love Mr.H...
There's rumors here about this boy as Mr.A always come and take a look at this girl,call as Miss B.Everyone keep teasing on her,she feel happy and sometime excited...but she know exactly what happen surround her and why that Mr.A always come and look at this department,she try to control it so that secret would not explode.But as much she keep trying to keep it,the hard the rumors spread.Poor to her..because the true is that Mr.A is keep stare to next Miss B,whose is Miss Y.He always texting to Miss Y.Miss Y try to be friendly with everyone since she was new there,actually hard to Miss Y to reply the text,yet she still reply Mr.A message just in name of friend...
As time past,Miss Y become more friendly and make a new friend there,where Miss Y feel comfortable with Mr.X.Miss Y knew that Mr.X always look at her as he walk pass by.Plus,Mr.X always asking about Miss Y to the other colleuge.There is happy moment between Mr.X and Miss Y which he stick Miss Y note pink colour at his PC,and everyone keep asking Mr.X whose the girl in pink note.He just smile.Big smile on his face.What a beautiful boy.
Yet,Mr.A doesn't know there is something between Mr.X and Miss Y,so he keep trying to seduce Miss Y,and Miss Y feel annoying with his attitude.She want to tell someone,whose that person was Mr.H.But she too afraid to tell Mr.H that there someone always teasing her.Because Mr.H and Miss Y was a lover,and Mr.X only a crush...Miss Y totally madly in love with Mr.H,she too afraid to tell the truth yet she feel that would hurt Mr.H feeling,but she really love Mr.H...
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Baru-baru ni makin kerap aku "usha" mamat tu,seriously memang tergugat nafsu aku,haha..
bukan apa,suke tgk badan dia,tough pastu tinggi,putih lak tu,and yg paling bes muka dia garang,
my cup of tea,hehe...
Mula-mula masuk keje kat MAA Takaful nie,mmg mind set da setting yg aku tak kan pandang
lelaki lain la,tengok sekilas pun tak kan la,tapi aleh-aleh gini lak..ashame with myself ;p
Setelah pelbagai usaha dilakukan,dpt la sikit-sikit info pasal mamat ni,tp kalo tgk muke pun mmg
da tau dia tu budak,hehe..okies,nama dia Faiz,umur 22 tahun,duduk Shah Alam,student practical Uitm n dtg kerja bawa kereta...ok,anak org kaya..tinggi lebih kurang 17+ cm..muke putih,
n kitaorg pgil dia budak k-pop,sebab muke dia ala2 k-pop..haha..serious comey..mmg tergugat..
bnda camni pnah blaku kat aku dlu..hee...n lpas abes blaja,da nak sambong master..urm...
then sedang sibok aku ngah wat keje,dia lalu..dan aku pun cma biasa la blagak wat-wat tak pandang dia ,giler bajet,tp dlm hati beria-ria nak tgk dia,pahtu ofis mate aku,tiqa panggil..
"shiekin,dia lalu tu.."aku lak wat wat tak dengar..setelah dia duduk kembali ke tempat nyer,
baru aku pandang tiqa.."tiqa,jangan la panggil,nnt kantoi lak ngan faiz yg ekin usha dia"..hehe
Pahtu tiqa cakap .."la,dia pandang ekin kot,lame giler.."
Aduhhh..betul ker,berbunga-bunga dlm hati ku ini..stiap kali terserempak dgn dia,mst dia dan
kawannyer akan senyum kambing..alahai mst da kantoi yg aku usha dia,haha..ala,lantak la,peduli apa,usha jer,bukan nak tackle pun,suka tgk jer..lgpun aku sedang belajar untuk setia pada si dia...
Lagipun,org hensem confirm la da ada GF kan,kan,kan...
Bak kata Alif Aziz...
Sayang Sayang kamu dah berpunya..
bukan caraku untuk rebut pacar orang...
Tapi tiqa kata.."ala kin,dia budak kot..."
Unfortunately,for whole entire relationship in my life..
,most of the man was a "boy's"..not much "guy's"...
terus teringat dekat sorang tu, cite la dia skang..
mungkin ini langkah terbaik untuk kitaorg iaitu membawa diri masing-masing
,no string attached,eventhough we'r not even try to make up the thing's..
maybe i'm too afraid too lose him..but i'm allready lose him,right..
well,deep inside of my heart..if i got the second chance,
i will make the right thing..i miss you,naz...cikinaz..
STOP !!! STOP !!! STOP !!!
Sekarang ni kan sudah ada si dia,walapun in long distane relationship...
But,both of us would try to make the relationship no complicated as it can be..
Walaupun jauh,dan tak pernah dating and almost 4 month tak jumpa,
dan amat jarang texting but when got time,baru la kitaorg akan call..
pahtu apa lagi bergayut la sampai battery tu mampos,
that's the our way to make the relationship work...dan baru-baru ni,si dia
meluah kan isi hati nyer untuk kali ke berapa ntah iaitu berkahwin awal...
Ntah la,bukan tak sayang,seriously mmg sayang,tiada orang lain pun,
cuma macam belum puas lagi jadi orang bujang and jujur cakap belum
bersedia untuk melangkah ke arah seterusnya...
I'm happy being a bachelorette ^___^
bukan apa,suke tgk badan dia,tough pastu tinggi,putih lak tu,and yg paling bes muka dia garang,
my cup of tea,hehe...
Mula-mula masuk keje kat MAA Takaful nie,mmg mind set da setting yg aku tak kan pandang
lelaki lain la,tengok sekilas pun tak kan la,tapi aleh-aleh gini lak..ashame with myself ;p
Setelah pelbagai usaha dilakukan,dpt la sikit-sikit info pasal mamat ni,tp kalo tgk muke pun mmg
da tau dia tu budak,hehe..okies,nama dia Faiz,umur 22 tahun,duduk Shah Alam,student practical Uitm n dtg kerja bawa kereta...ok,anak org kaya..tinggi lebih kurang 17+ cm..muke putih,
n kitaorg pgil dia budak k-pop,sebab muke dia ala2 k-pop..haha..serious comey..mmg tergugat..
bnda camni pnah blaku kat aku dlu..hee...n lpas abes blaja,da nak sambong master..urm...
then sedang sibok aku ngah wat keje,dia lalu..dan aku pun cma biasa la blagak wat-wat tak pandang dia ,giler bajet,tp dlm hati beria-ria nak tgk dia,pahtu ofis mate aku,tiqa panggil..
"shiekin,dia lalu tu.."aku lak wat wat tak dengar..setelah dia duduk kembali ke tempat nyer,
baru aku pandang tiqa.."tiqa,jangan la panggil,nnt kantoi lak ngan faiz yg ekin usha dia"..hehe
Pahtu tiqa cakap .."la,dia pandang ekin kot,lame giler.."
Aduhhh..betul ker,berbunga-bunga dlm hati ku ini..stiap kali terserempak dgn dia,mst dia dan
kawannyer akan senyum kambing..alahai mst da kantoi yg aku usha dia,haha..ala,lantak la,peduli apa,usha jer,bukan nak tackle pun,suka tgk jer..lgpun aku sedang belajar untuk setia pada si dia...
Lagipun,org hensem confirm la da ada GF kan,kan,kan...
Bak kata Alif Aziz...
Sayang Sayang kamu dah berpunya..
bukan caraku untuk rebut pacar orang...
Tapi tiqa kata.."ala kin,dia budak kot..."
Unfortunately,for whole entire relationship in my life..
,most of the man was a "boy's"..not much "guy's"...
terus teringat dekat sorang tu, cite la dia skang..
mungkin ini langkah terbaik untuk kitaorg iaitu membawa diri masing-masing
,no string attached,eventhough we'r not even try to make up the thing's..
maybe i'm too afraid too lose him..but i'm allready lose him,right..
well,deep inside of my heart..if i got the second chance,
i will make the right thing..i miss you,naz...cikinaz..
STOP !!! STOP !!! STOP !!!
Sekarang ni kan sudah ada si dia,walapun in long distane relationship...
But,both of us would try to make the relationship no complicated as it can be..
Walaupun jauh,dan tak pernah dating and almost 4 month tak jumpa,
dan amat jarang texting but when got time,baru la kitaorg akan call..
pahtu apa lagi bergayut la sampai battery tu mampos,
that's the our way to make the relationship work...dan baru-baru ni,si dia
meluah kan isi hati nyer untuk kali ke berapa ntah iaitu berkahwin awal...
Ntah la,bukan tak sayang,seriously mmg sayang,tiada orang lain pun,
cuma macam belum puas lagi jadi orang bujang and jujur cakap belum
bersedia untuk melangkah ke arah seterusnya...
I'm happy being a bachelorette ^___^
Monday, May 14, 2012
Jatuh Cinta
L.O.V.E Girl nae soneul japgo Fly
L.O.V.E Girl uh uh, nareul mitgo Fly high
L.O.V.E Boy Ye-Ye-Yes we can fly to the sky
L.O.V.E Boy I will take you there baby
L.O.V.E Girl uh uh, nareul mitgo Fly high
L.O.V.E Boy Ye-Ye-Yes we can fly to the sky
L.O.V.E Boy I will take you there baby
I want you oh my love naman barabwajwo
Neomaneul saranghae sesang modu byeonhaedo
Oh my love neoman bomyeon ddwineun gaseum eonjeggajina
Neoman damgo isseulge
Tell you, tell you sarangeul malhalge
Tell you, tell you nae sarang gobaekae
Love you, love you nae soneul jabajwo
Kiss you, kiss you yeongwonhi saranghae
Neomaneul saranghae sesang modu byeonhaedo
Oh my love neoman bomyeon ddwineun gaseum eonjeggajina
Neoman damgo isseulge
Tell you, tell you sarangeul malhalge
Tell you, tell you nae sarang gobaekae
Love you, love you nae soneul jabajwo
Kiss you, kiss you yeongwonhi saranghae
Bak kata Liyana Jasmay-----
Memang benar aku sudah jatuh cinta
Memang benar aku hampir jadi resah
Bila cinta dari mu hadir bagai lena dari mimpi
Bagai perasa
Memang benar aku hampir jadi resah
Bila cinta dari mu hadir bagai lena dari mimpi
Bagai perasa
Aduh,kali ni betul2 tergugat,nafsu tul..setelah 2 tahun single,then 1 year in relationship..the feeling come again..yes,i got a crush on you..what a shame,when i allready made a plan to marry my boy..nasib baik kamu tu budak,kalo tak dah lame aku tackle da..hehe ;p
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Kasih Kita...
Benarkah pencarian mimpi ini
Hanyalah dongengan cinta dalam pertaruhan
Haruskah pertemuan jiwa ini
Berakhir bersama air mata
Kesepian menemani jiwa di saat ku terluka
Bisakah aku mengenal cinta
Aku percaya pada takdir cinta kita
Yang telah terukir di dasar jiwaku
Yang merindu dirimu
Namun ku bertanya padanya
Haruskah ku percaya pada luka
Sebagai tanda kesetiaan cinta
Kasih kita
Sempurnakah lukisan cinta ini
Tanpa corak warna kasih lakaran suciku
Apakah coretan rintihan malam
Hanyalah mainan cintamu
Hanyalah dongengan cinta dalam pertaruhan
Haruskah pertemuan jiwa ini
Berakhir bersama air mata
Kesepian menemani jiwa di saat ku terluka
Bisakah aku mengenal cinta
Aku percaya pada takdir cinta kita
Yang telah terukir di dasar jiwaku
Yang merindu dirimu
Namun ku bertanya padanya
Haruskah ku percaya pada luka
Sebagai tanda kesetiaan cinta
Kasih kita
Sempurnakah lukisan cinta ini
Tanpa corak warna kasih lakaran suciku
Apakah coretan rintihan malam
Hanyalah mainan cintamu
Friday, May 11, 2012
Dear Efie ;)
Dear my little efie..
I don't know why wanna call you little efie,since we'r same age,rite ;)
But for me you still childish,OMG,hehe..just kidding dear..
I dont know how many long i didn't catch up wif you,but i'm really wish you doin juz fne.........
eventough after i read ur blog,i pretty sure your'e not fine..
I don't know what the hell is happen around you know,is it a BIG DISASTER ???
By the way dear,i'm not clear about JB ? Something there ? Tell me dear...
Ntah la dear,kadang2 aku pun tempuh perasaan yg sangat sangat sangat WORRY !!!
Aku pun tak tahu la,mungkin terlebey sgt pikir kot,biasa la nak jd second Einstien,
Einstien la sangat,hoho..kadang ase depressed ngan life,tak pun tibe-tibe jer ase give up
dengan life,horible giler ase..huhu
Mula-mula give up dengan career pahtu melalut dengan cintan lak,aduyai..
Tapi bile aku ase depressed sgt kan efie,mula2 aku ase nak cari tempat meluah kan
perasaan,so aku dengan rela hati pun nak luahkan kat BF..tapi..his missing..
then aku pun pendam j la..aleh2 jadi gunung berapi siot..huhu..orang yg
tak berkenaan pun kena sound ngan aku..jadi untuk tidak aku melakukan begitu lagi,
maka aku pun luahkan segala-gala nya pada ibu tercinta..mula2 malu kucing..
tapi lelama tu,jadi cakar harimau lak..haha..
So far,aku alhamdulilah,aku keje kat MAA Takaful,temporary jer..apa-apa pun aku
wish kat kau gud luck with ur life,okies ;)
I don't know why wanna call you little efie,since we'r same age,rite ;)
But for me you still childish,OMG,hehe..just kidding dear..
I dont know how many long i didn't catch up wif you,but i'm really wish you doin juz fne.........
eventough after i read ur blog,i pretty sure your'e not fine..
I don't know what the hell is happen around you know,is it a BIG DISASTER ???
By the way dear,i'm not clear about JB ? Something there ? Tell me dear...
Ntah la dear,kadang2 aku pun tempuh perasaan yg sangat sangat sangat WORRY !!!
Aku pun tak tahu la,mungkin terlebey sgt pikir kot,biasa la nak jd second Einstien,
Einstien la sangat,hoho..kadang ase depressed ngan life,tak pun tibe-tibe jer ase give up
dengan life,horible giler ase..huhu
Mula-mula give up dengan career pahtu melalut dengan cintan lak,aduyai..
Tapi bile aku ase depressed sgt kan efie,mula2 aku ase nak cari tempat meluah kan
perasaan,so aku dengan rela hati pun nak luahkan kat BF..tapi..his missing..
then aku pun pendam j la..aleh2 jadi gunung berapi siot..huhu..orang yg
tak berkenaan pun kena sound ngan aku..jadi untuk tidak aku melakukan begitu lagi,
maka aku pun luahkan segala-gala nya pada ibu tercinta..mula2 malu kucing..
tapi lelama tu,jadi cakar harimau lak..haha..
So far,aku alhamdulilah,aku keje kat MAA Takaful,temporary jer..apa-apa pun aku
wish kat kau gud luck with ur life,okies ;)
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