السلام عليكم....

Little devil is speak out


Monday, February 13, 2012

Shers The Chef

He was Chinese and British parentage.He got great looking and importantly great cooking ;)
Everytime look at him,the world just stop,freeze,arrghhh,really great when a hot chef cook a simple and delicious food,i'm loving it ;)

Like my mom said "dah la handsome,badan model,pandai masak lak tu,alahai...."
Even my mom also "melting" when look at him
(ciittt,cam pernah jumpe jer ;p )

Yes,at here,within this hour I LOVE MAN whose GREAT in COOKING !!!

Yet,he got a good voice ;)

Bisikan lebah ;)

Puas aku rayu
Puas aku desak
namun bayanganmu jua yang aku rindu
melalui hari-hari tanpamu
menyesakkan dadaku
meluluhkan jiwaku
dimana senyumanmu
dimana tawamu
dan sepi mula berlagu pilu
sampaikan perasaanku ini padanya
doaku moga benar aku merindui dirimu...
Dan jika hayat sudah tiada,
iringilah doa dan air mawar bersama
luka dan duka lalui bersama
hanya didunia kita merasa
di ukhrawi,SEGALANYA..

p/s: i love the poem,i love when he feel sorry for what he done,i love when he call me in the middle night juz to said "i miss u,i love u",i love when he come here only for cuddle me,i love him so much,XOXO

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mari Belajar Bahasa Arab

Setiap pagi sebelum gi kerja,i usually take breakfast at home,my meal=nestum+bread toast/french toast+nescafe.Then,in mean time my mum always on television,especially Geng Bahasa Arab ,mostly 3 girl's and 3 boy's with their Ustazah,suke tengok diaorg yg kecil-kecil tu berbahasa Arab,so cute,comey tul,tibe-tibe terasa insaf dalam diri ini ;'(

Mana tak nyer,i usually proud to use English,hence even now still used this language instead my mother tounge,Malaysia,apa yg lagi menyedihkan bila langsung dan sangat lah kurang tahu berbahasa Arab.Supposed to be i as Muslimah should know Arabic,so it easy for us to read Al-Quran instead using Tafsir,so i wanna take inisiative to learn Arabic instead other language.I feel like I fall in Love with this language ^,^

So,this was a simple and easy Arabic ;)

Assalamualaikum=Selamat Sejahtera
Ahlan Wasalam=Selamat Datang
sabahalghair=selamat pagi
masaalghair=selamat petang
selamat malam=Tusbihu ‘alal khair
mumkin = boleh
natakalam = bual/cakap
bil = dengan
lughah = bahasa
arabiah = arab
uridu an azhaba ila hamam= saya nak pergi ke tandas
uridu an azhaba ila dukkan=saya nak pergi ke kedai
uridu an azhaba ili as'a'li=saya nak pergi bertanya

hal fahimtum:adakah awak semua faham?

p/s: Dia slalu sangat tanya "hal fahimtum" ,bila tanya apa maksud tu,dia senyum jer,sabor je la,tapi sekarang dah tu maksud nyer,ley la guna.Syed -->Uhibbuka fillah ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Motivation Proclamation

Since year 2012 is arrive,most of the time i remind to myself,always think positive.Insya'Allah you always find your way because Allah always here for you.When i'm really in miserable i'm always looking for a peace by Tasmid...

Astaghfirullaahal'azhiim ( 3x)


Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa syariikalah,lahul mulku walahul hamdu,wahuwa'alaa kulli syain qadir (3x)

But,jika time tu tengah "period" so tak ley la nak tasmid,jadi baca dlm hati and definitely i would looking for other alternative such as any quotes motivation or listen to the Maher Zain song.Actually,before he arriving Malaysia for promote his song,my auntie already give me his CD and i fall in love to the song especially Insya'ALLAH.I feel so peacefull when listening to the song,i feel like His there beside me and calm me from being worried.Alhamdulilah ;)

Since i was over from studies,since i was graduate i told myself that...


Habis je grad,betul2 tanam azam untuk menjadi better person,tak nak dah ada scandal-scandal nie,juz berdoa supaya ALLAH tutupkan hati ini sehinggalah berjumpa dengan yg betul2 dapat memimpin diri ini serta dia memang telah dijodohkan untukku.Tak nak dah pakai baju ketat-ketat,no no to skinny jeans,cannot and what important is tak nak dah terlepas solat.Sekian.

Okies,let me clearify why the title for the entry is Motivation Proclaimation,because i keep remind and motivate myself to think positive and always be strong for any kind of problem i face.Hence i always look to my idol whose is Prophet Nabi Muhammad as khalifah didunia ini,my mum the best buddy in the world and the strongest person i ever meet,Rozita whose is Pengasas Sendayu Tinggi because she used to be single mother and i know it's difficult being single mother,Stephen William Hawking,the scientist that found the black hole,even though he was sick yet he still work hard,for him if your mind say you don't sick and for the rest of your life you didn't sick and last but not least is Dr.Mahathir our ex-prime minister,I love his way of thinking.I adore all this people ^^

For the past five year,my life was really miserable.Being as student kat UMT dulu,jujur cakap mmg gile enjoy,best ya amat,it was sweet memory having a friend yang satu kepala,yg boleh dibawa ketengah,ketepi,kekanan dan kekiri semua tu,kadang2 pergi class,kadang2 tak pergi class,sesuka hati,keluar dengan ramai laki lak tu,pasang scandal lebih dari seorang,then keluar malam and confirm2 la balik pun tengah malam kan,kan,kan,memang macam2 perangai la sehingga hingga gantung semester la,alahaaiii..dan sudah semestinya bila dah beperangai macamtu confirm2 la solat pun terbabas banyak kali,apatah lagi mengaji..sah-sah la tak wat kan,aduhhhaaiiii.Bile teringat kan balik life as student dulu,terus rase semacam..

"YA ALLAH,engkau ampunkah lah dosaku ini,jahilnya hambamu ini kerana telah memalingkan muka dari menghadapmu Ya ALLAH,amin.."

Bukan mahu mengata lak,jauh sekali ye kak,hehe,cuma time tu memang rasa diri ini semacam,lebih kepada self-destruction la,camtu la,and sepanjang jadi student dulu memang mengajar erti kehidupan,lebih focus kepada diri sendiri.Sekian.

Except time jadi agent lak,more to surrounding,how deal people with randomly of behavior.Time tu memang da letak azam tak mo pakai baju ketat-ketat,so i prefer to wear baju kurung instead of kemeja yag dimasukkan baju kedalam seluar untuk ditunjukkan shape badannya.Then they call me "budak kampung" because i'm wearing "baju kurung" yang tiada shape itu and when i go for solat or pergi dengar ceramah kat surau(nak tengok imam muda,ustaz wan sohor bani leman^^) they call me "ustazah",time tu hanya ALLAH sahaja yang tahu perasaan ini."Ya Allah,Engkau berikanlah kekuatan kepada hamba mu yang lemah ini".

Then,i been watching it that orang yang berduit memang dipandang mulia dan orang yang berpakaian menampakkan lurah itu sungguh jelita bagi mereka semua itu.I don't know why i don't want to get out from that situation.everytime i pray of Solat Istkharah mesti mimpi insurans,setiap kali solat Istikharah mesti mimpi insurans juga,so that's why i stick to the insurance even though i didn't got any bucks.Everything change when he come,when he ask me to become his partner life,and without thinking beyond it i said "Yes",hati tu terus terbuka padahal memang tak kenal dia langsung.Then i put up my hands and doa...

"Ya Allah,jika dia jodohku,Engkau dekatkan lah dia dengan ku,jika dia bukan,Engkau jauhkanlah dia dariku,amin..."

Alhamdulilah,till now,both of us still together.There is a time,when both of us really miserable,time tu memang tgh kering giler dengan cuaca yang panas,then terus dia cerita tentang idol dia,Sheikh Abdul Rahman As Sudais.Terkejut,tak sangka lak dia jenis macam tu, Allah temukan aku dengan lelaki ini,then dia terus play mp3.Surah Yassin dari Sheikh Abdul Rahman.Terus dia ajar aku baca Yassin.Daripada dia juga aku belajar untuk membaca Surah Al-Wakiah dan Surah Al-Mulk setiap hari selepas maghrib,padahal sebelum ini opahku banyak kali suruh baca tapi tak baca pun,huhu.Sungguh degilkan ;(

Tapi kali ini aku dah berazam untuk menjadi lebih baik dan akan practic Islam way in my life sebab bagiku Islam itu Indah.Dia banyak ajar aku tentang Islam,hinggakan dia pernah bacakan hadis Ayat Qursi kepadaku,dia juga pernah bermimpikan aku berpakaian mendedahkan aurat dan keadaan tsunami,sehingga dia menagis dan berharap aku tidak berkelakuan begitu.Daripada dia jugalah,yang mengajar aku supaya menutup aurat,hingga dia pernah tegur aku gara-gara baju aku atas punggung,hehe.Walaupun dia belajar tidak setinggi mana,tapi aku tetap kagum dengan pengalaman hidup dia.Sentiasa menjaga aku.Alhamdulilah,ALLAH sudah memperkenankan doaku untuk dipertemukan dengan lelaki yang dapat mebimbingku ke jalan Alllah ;)

Pernah juga kawan-kawanku bertanya kenapa menghilang.Why i was missing? Cuma baru sekarang ni active online,it was because there was stalker at my FB,then terpaksa lah untuk me"remove" kan balik friend yang tiada kaitan dalam hidup,just approve yg betul-betul ada kaitan,termasuk lah untuk me"remove" semua scadal yang ada,and why there were no entry at my blog for few month,it was because there one guy yang ntah dari mana ntah tibe2 kutuk pasal blog aku ni,padahal aku langsung tak kenal dia,padiaapaa >.<

That's why blog yang telah diedit-edit ini,dengan nafas baru dan azam baru untuk membuatkan ia lebih realistic dan more general for view,dah tak nak yang negatif dah,yang ada hanyalah positif-positif entry sahaja.Umur sekarang pun hampir mencecah 25 tahun,so perlu kan perubahan kearah kebaikkan.Sekian ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I love My Mum !

My mum birthday on March 15,around one month to go,so i think wanna bring her somewhere and buy her something,because this my chance to show to her that i really love her ;)

Recently,my mum had argument wif opah,aiisshhhh,sume tu gara-gara ibu ku menegur adek nyer yg meletak kasut yg kotor atas almari where's di bawahnyer ada buku ilmiah,surah yasin and other..so what do you think? mesti la tak elok sangat kan,dah terang benderang tak elok letak apa2 barang lagi tinggi dari buku-buku ilmiah kan,kan...pahtu tibe2 opah lak tak puas hati sbb ibu tegur adek dia,then terus melalut-lalut sampai cakap yg bukan-bukan..statement paling tak best sekali bila...

"Kau tu perempuan Isya oi,kena sedar sikit,jaga sikit mulut tu,sedar sikit kau tu perempuan tau tak,sedar sikit perempuan"

Statement tu la yg buat rasa mcm mahu durhaka sedikit,sbb bagiku kenapa mahu bezakan lelaki dengan perempaun,dalam kitab pun tak de nak beza kan antara perempuan,hak perempuan sama mulia dengan lelaki,sbb ALLAH itu maha adil.Seriously,mmg agak sakit dengar statement tu,bile kite sebagai perempuan perlu mendengar buta tuli dari lelaki,aduhhhh !!!!!!!!

Bagiku la,statement tu boleh dipakai time zaman opah je la,maybe 50 years ago,perlu lelaki dalam hidup,tapi zaman sekarang ni,Man come second after career,okies !!! .Bukan nak judge apa,tapi based on experience la,man doesn't mean anything for me,yes,i' respect them but no need to listen for every single words if their were wrong.Contohnyer,perlu ke dengar kata-kata suami bile disuruh pukul anak or hantar anak-anak ke rumah kebajikan dengan alasan anak2 tu membebankan? walauweh..guna la sikit akal tu yer,sbb lagi 10 tahun akan datang,anak yg dibenci tu lah akan jaga org tua@parents nyer itu !!!

Then,tak perlu sangat la berharap pada lelaki,mcm kite sebagai perempuan mmg perlukan nyer,at least kalo ade mende yg ley kita wat sendiri,kite wat la sendiri,tak perlu kan mereka.tak perlu tunjuk kite lemah sgt,sbb nanti kite lak kena buli dengan orang.That's my mom advice,masa i cerita atau lagi tepat mengadu dekat dia sebab perangai sesorang tu,then my mum ckp "jangan terlampau lemah sangat,nnt orang buli kita,belajar untuk berkata tidak".Sampai sekarang i still used that word to remind me if i meet anyone that try to bully me.

Since my mum get divorce for second time,i look her that she really change.She look more tough and more carefull,sometime she got too emotional for little things,huhu.But,no matter what she inspired me a lot.Because for me is not easy being single mother.And more trouble if being single father.Serously you have to take responsibility as mother and father.No matter what she did,i always love her.I love you so much,ibu !

time ni g genting and my face time tu mmg banyak jerawat,huhu ;(

ni gamba baru la gak..on january haritu..da xde da jerawat,kalo ade 1 dua jer,hehe

time ni g petaling street rase nyer..my mum look lil fatty right,tp masa dia muda dulu sangat kurus,ok..pernah try baju kahwin dia,perghh..tak muat sehhh,nampak sangat i more fatty than her ;p

p/s:sedikit terasa bila si dia ckp my mum look younger than her age,plus he said "tak de la gemok mana pun,biasa jer.."..pe kes,awek sendiri tak pernah nak dipuji,ibu lak yg dia puji,>.<

Friday, February 3, 2012

Meaning of Beautiful - Dimon

Okies,let me clarify here what the true meaning of BEAUTIFUL based on my opinion view ;')

Everyone got their own opinion to tell and describe the word of "BEAUTIFUL"

So,based on Wikipedia,i view the meaning of beauty :

Beauty (also called prettiness, loveliness or comeliness) is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides aperceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture. An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection

Hence,based on dictionary :

the quality present in a thing or person that gives intensepleasure or deep satisfaction
to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color,sound, etc.),
a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high
qualities are manifest)

So,after you read it,what do you think of it? the true meaning of beauty?
I prefer the characteristic of person ;)

Bukan mahu perli or mengata apa-apa pun,tapi lebih kepada memuji,ikhlas dari hati ;)

I been know this guy for more than couple year,his name is Fadhlul Hadi or
commonly call him as Dimon ;)

I think i didn't meet him around 2 year,since both of us finish studies,then never meet him after that,any news from him i got from FB,yup,the media that contact each other,itu pun setakat tengok-tengok gamba and membalas komen.That's it.Itu sahaja,tak pernah pun nak sms or call or Skype sume tu,hanya melalui FB sahaja.Sekian.

Dimon was Fisheries student,kenal dia pun rasanye melalui Maro sebab diaorg satu rumah,kalo tak silap la,hehe..Then,start dari situ,mula bertegur sapa dengan dia.Dimon yg dikenali semasa time University dulu jenis yg mesti ada GF dia disebelahnya and jenis happy go lucky,ayat dia mesti giler-giler,what i can said is He was Cheerful person,bukan jenis yg Nerd.NOT !!!

Then,baru-baru ni ternampak status seseorang pasal ;

"mengamalkan membawa air masak pergi kemana-mana boleh menjimatkan 20 sen,selain boleh mengurangkan pengambilan air manis dikedai makan"

Seriously,i'm so suprised to read the status,macam "whose this guy? jarang giler la jumpa guy yg bercakap pasal penjimatan bawa air dan pengurangan air manis..so unbelievable i got a friend in FB yg mementingkan pengunaan air,and also talk about Health which he said "mengurangkan pengambilan air manis",really really terkejut...

I smile for a moment..because i'm happy for that kind of person,jarang la nak jumpa lelaki yg mementingkan kesihatan,sangat-sangat jarang except yg jenis maskulin,mmg akan menjaga kesihatan dengan take a pil and go to gym for fitness la,etc..

Tapi,time tu memang tak terfikir pun nak tgk profile pitcure,just baca status jer,pahtu scroll status lain..then after few day..terbaca lagi post dari Fadhlul Hadi...

He upload a Multivitamin Pix,which is good for our health ;)
(i also take extra supplement ^^)

Time tu la baru tergerak hati nak tengok siapakah gerangan yg mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat ini.Tengok profile picture, seriously mmg tak kenal, Who's this? Did i know him?
Then,go to next picture..go next..go next..then..OMG..is Kevin Zahri..i think la,and that guy..
What? Is it Dimon ?Budak Fisheries tu? Seriously memang terkejut sangat ok !
(Dengan mulut terngaga sedikit and almost menjerit kecil ;p )

You totally DIFFERENT !!!


Seriously,i'm speechless ok,i admit you more much masculine now,kalo sebelum nie memang comey but now a day you masculine ok ! Bukan sebab apa,i'm happy for a person who take care his healthy,because my mum selalu cakap "Lelaki yg pandai jaga badan ialah lelaki yg takkan buncit,walaupun dia smoke tapi dia tetap Fit then sentiasa menjaga penampilan before dia mengata orang lain,terutama bau badan dan bau mulut,lelaki macam tu bagus untuk dijadikan persaingan kepada perempuan yg tak reti jaga badan ".Sekian.

For my opinion,dia tak perlu pergi Gym setiap hari untuk nampak 6 pac,cukup dengan pumping 30 times per day,dia xperlu guna dumb bell,cukup guna air botol 5 liter ;)
No need to take multivitamin if he already pick a good food but should take a supplement or multivitamin for good condition on the next day.Perlu minum juga,i mean start minum air susu supaya nnt dah tua tak de la tulang tu cepat mereput.And we should go for exercise at least three time a week or 30 minute for session.

I mean Dimon You Beautiful because your characteristic,much different from day before,
you already think about you health.Perlu mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat.Good Job.I like it.
Dah xde status merapu-rapu dah,your status much matured than other,bagus,plus you go for hiking to stay fit,kalo setakat futsal jer,semua lelaki main kot,u take a challenging activity that really good and wish you all the best ahead ;)


start jaga kesihatan since muke naik byk pimple and acne,g jumpa pakar kulit,dia cakap "your bdn byk minyak,hormom tak betul so kena slalu detoks,and u should take mineral water at least 8 glass per day,dont go for carbonate drink,don't take seafood because you sensitive for it,and always use hand sanitizer,your face oily but your skin is dry so you should use aloe Vera lotion,ok".Perghh,malu siot bile pakar muka itu ialah lelaki,aduhhh..then start dari situ mula menjaga kesihatan,hand sanitizer and mineral water sentiasa ada dlm beg ;)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Okies,first time i made rendang during college student long long time ago,I call it "Rendang opah" though opah always call it as "Rendang Bodoh",hehe.Because this really simple and easy to made it,that's why she call it "Rendang Bodoh".Sekian.But,my housemate said,i mean Efie said "sedap",i don't know la,just try the recipe,and tibe2 menjadi lak,hehe ;)


Ayam 1 ekor-dipotong kecil,dibersih dan ditoskan
4 biji Bawang besar -dikisar
1 labu bawang putih -dikisar
5 cm halia-dikisar
3 cm lengkuas-dikisar
100 gm cili boh (brand cili giling Puteri) *nak lebih pun takpe,ikut suka
1/2 kilo santan
3 batang serai-dihiris nipis
1/2 cawan kerisik*ikut suka
daun kunyit
minyak untuk mengoreng
garam secukup rasa
bahan perasa

  1. Ayam yg telah ditoskan tadi,dilumur dengan kunyit dan garam,lalu digoreng separa masak.Ketepikan
  2. Panaskan minyak,hanya sedikit minyak sahaja,ok.Tumiskan bahan-bahan yg dikisar tadi.
  3. Setelah naik bau,masukkan pula cili boh,masak sehingga pecah minyak.Lalu masukkan pula santan.Kacau sebati.
  4. Apabila sudah sebati dan mesra ramuannyer,masukkan pula ayam yg telah digoreng tadi.
  5. Kacau sehingga semua ayam disaluti dengan kuah tersebut,biarkan ia sebati.Baru masukkan kerisik.Kacau lagi.
  6. Letakkan pula bahan perasa dan garam secukup rasa.Kacau sebati.
  7. Setelah ayam benar-benar masak,boleh lah diangkat dan dihidangkan.Siap ;)

Masukkan pula

The Real Me

Hello February,wish you had good good news a head for me,okies ;')

Yeah,1 Feb is holiday for resident whose stay at Wil.Persekutuan place,so had a long long day with family,wake up late morning then get breakfast and bring my lil bro and sis to the BOOK EKSPO,really nice right,kakak yg baik hati bawa adik2 g jejalan dengan meninggalkan ibunyer di rumah,wish her mum had a rest alone without her kids at home plus she should just rest ok !

Actually,that wasn't a planning to do so,tiba2 wake up in the morning and said to my sis,

"jum,siap cepat,kite g jejalan arini,kite g Midvalley jum"

and my mum said

"aik,tetiba jer nie,apa masalah??? da,da alang,na..pergi mandi,breakfast then ikut kak long tu "

then i reply to her,

"tak de apa masalah pun,saje jer nak bawa diaorg,ibu duk j la rumah yer"
with a long long smile put on my face

In the middle of way to the Mall,just found out about Book Ekspo,so we headed to the place,dalan hati,"aduhh,pe hal lak baru arini nak wat Ekspo,nape bukan mgg lepas !" because sebelum tu menghabiskan byk wit untuk beli buku.Yes.I'm addicted to book..errrkkhhh..I think so la..the true is i'm addicted to comic,pantang tengok mesti akan beli,sehinggakan pernah this one guy belikan i comic sebanyak 5 buah,just because i'm really into it.I prefer comic than novel rather than anything,poorly on magazine.But every month i'll buy Cosmopolitan.Without it,i think my life is not complete.I collect a lot comic till half of my room is full with comic...

Just this some of book yg tinggal,mostly the other had been dump for rubbish.Poor ;')

Nvm,like the oldies said "Rumah tanpa buku ibarat hidup tanpa jiwa".Sekian.So,since i was child my mum already taught me to read a book.Stop.Wrong.Actually my dad,yup,he always teach his daughter English,read a english book,so that's why i prefer English than Malay,mungkin sbb dah terbiasa kot.

That's why nowaday my lil sis sangat kurang membaca,kalo mewarna,dia mmg into it,but when it come to read,she very very slow.And this kind attitude,really make me worry and feel, "ape kes la ngan adik aku nie?apasal la dia sangat slow untuk membaca",plus nak mengeja pun agak slow,well this really make me worry because she allready standard one now,supposed to be dia dah lancar,ok ! .

Then my mum continue,she slow maybe because genetic,i learn from my dad,which walaupun dia agak "bengong" but toward his kids he really "menjaga" especially about education,that's why he taught me English since i was toddler.Compare to her,her dad doesn't teach her,he leave it all to my mum to take care everything.Hence,look like kite senasib for certain part la.Hence,i feel so guilty toward my lil sis,mcm dia terkebelakang sedikit compare other cousin yg dah pandai membaca.

Jadi this my chance to buy her certain book that suitable to her,againts alang want revision book for his studies.Yup,we buy some book,really cheap price,and i'm wait for next Ekspo,maybe on May 2012,i think la.And now,kegilaan comic agak berkurangan and i feel into other section which is Cooking !!!

* feel wanna collect another collection ;)

When i'm on reading mode,everything happen around me is totally out.Concentrate.Focus.Hingga my mum slalu cakap "urm,kak long kalo dah dpt buku,benda lain pun tak tengok dah,laki hensem depan mata pun tak pandang dah" ,well that's me,when i feel happy,sad or another emotion come around i prefer for reading.

I will keep myself busy with reading so i will not to think about you.No matter how much your message come,i will be busy for reading,especially now,when i'm get addicted for Stephen Meyer writing.That's me,my ego always high,trying not to think about you so much.Don't wanna let u to come across my mind,even once.Because,i want you to know that i'm ok with this situation.But,no matter how hard i try,you always come to the end of the day,especially when i want to close my eyes.

"Ya Allah,please lend me your strength,so i can put You on the Top"

p/s:i feel so jealous to look other couple holding hand each other,so lonely without you..wish you here beside me now,so i can hug you tightly,close to me...really miss you Syed Abdul Hadi..

p/s: sorry okies tibe2 tak kasi turun KL..hehe..actually agak gumbira dihati when u wanna come to KL just wanna meet me,here ;)