Dear bloggie..did u guy still remember i post entry about Boy's..
okies,now i would like to reveal again..reveal again, need la..
juz wanna continue...
Still remeber about Mr.A,Miss B,Mr.X,Miss Y and Mr.H....
Urmm...mmm..ok,ok..let me clearify here..FYI..I'm really love Mr.H,there is no space for other guy,no matter how handsome he is ,like Mr.X...for me,Mr.H is the best among the the best.Full Stop !!!
Actually,i was the Miss Y and my boy was Mr.H...
Mr.H not only as lover,but he also my bestfirend after my mum ok,plus he also my driver,so i juz told him i wanna go that place,he will bring me there,he also my "Ustaz",if there something bother me,such like "apa maksud hadis nie,apa terjemahannye ?" ,he always tell me the answer,again..he also my mechanic,my bodyguard, me,he everything to me,i dont kniow how i feel if he's no there,i mean,yeahh..i can be independent,but when his no beside me,i feel so lonely..I HATE THIS LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP !!!
Ok,ok..there something i wanna tell u..about this guy,or i call him as Mr.A..He was my colluege,
almost every morning he will come to my place,and chit-chat,chit-chat..firstly,i feel he was friendly..but after a long hour,it's become annoying..SERIUS..SANGAT ANNOYING..SUDAH TAHAP MENYAMPAH !!!
Mula-mula ok j la,yelah as ofismate,so layan je kelamaan...mesej dia da lain da...ajak keluar makan,xnak reramai..lunch berdua jer,g jauh sikit dari opis..nak tolong hantar balik,alasan..malam2 nie x elok balik sorang2..urm..pahtu semakin lain bila he said "i miss you"...then bertamabah lain bila dia cakap "minat and suka dgn ekin".."sanggup jumpa ibu untuk bawa keluar"..yg nie da mula sangat lain macam...time ni mmg da ignore giler da,dia anta msg pun da x balas,apatah lagi bila call ----> terus REJECT !!!
Then sebab x tahan sangat dengan layanan dia tu,bila da cakap sudah ada BF pun,dia tetap juga begitu,aduhhh,da cakap baik pun x dengar,nak tak nak terpaksa lah gtau Mr.H about this guy,tak sanggup da,da tak tahan da..then,i told my boy,Mr.H..he ask for the number,Mr.A nak tak nak beri je la nombor tu..then..after 10 minute,Mr.H texting.."B da call budak tu da,mlm nnt B call ayang ok,ad hal jap.."
Lepas text tu,that Mr.A memang da stop hantar sms,call pun xde...then i'm asking Mr.H,what exactly he told that guy untill he not sms n call me anymore...
Urmm.."Hello,ni A yer,so aku Syed..aku nak cakap sikit la..TOLONG JANGAN KACAU EKIN lagi,ni da tiga kali dia ngadu kat aku pasal kau,kali pertama aku tahan,kedua pun tahan..masuk ketiga ni,kau da lain macam jer,smpai nak jumpa ibu dia lak..yg nie aku panas ni.."."Eh,xde la,kitorg satu opis,xde apa pun,x kacau pun.."Ye,aku tau,tapi jgn la lebih2,setakat kawan jer,tp ada batas gak..mmg aku jauh dr dia,tp jgn lak sampai aku turun sana jumpa kau,ok..lpas nie aku xnak dgr ekin ngadu pasal kau lg,faham".."ahah,sory sory k"...
urm...mmm..what i can said more..on monday,that guy,Mr.A didn't come to my place,plus he not even look at me,no more glance,malah kasi jelingan maut kot..hahaha..amek kau,ekin..sape suh ngadu kat BF,,da tu,cakap baik xdgr,terpaksa la guna cara kasar..huhu...
BTW..that was MR.H..he was my Bodyguard ;)
itu pun rasa dia ley control lg,kalo tak..urm..geleng pale je la... ;p