Ini blog kepunyaan aku,Ekin.Di sini aku bermadah serta meluahkan perasaan...ssiiighhhhh...poyoz (^.^)v
Little devil is speak out
Friday, December 30, 2011
Cabin crew :'/

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
That day,u supposed to come to meet me,u promise the day before that u wanna come to meet me,u said again u would come in the early morning just to make sure we had much time to spend.I’m so excited,finally we had our on date.On that day,i’m wearing white blouses and blue black jeans.Plus,i put a make up just to look beautiful,just for you.Wake up in the early moring,just cant wait to meet u.Here i go,walking on the street and went to the place that we promise to meet up.I’m sit there waiting for you.Tik tok,tik tok.Time fly so fast.Unenthusiastic.Look at the watch.Two and half hour there,still you not show up,even you not texting me and what worse more is you turn off your hp.I’m out of the blue.After the two day,i got a miscall from you.It’s that all you can do after you turn me down.What a bloody hell.Moron.Seriously,i’m fed up with this situation and really tired with the drama.After a week,you texting me asking for a apologize and you said you out of the town.After a week only one sms and two call from you.It’s that all you can do,my lovely boy.Oh shit.Just freak out let it go.Now i cant close my eyes.Obscure.I love you more than words.I miss you.I can be strong.I can be tough,but with you,it’s not like it at all.However,i even wonder “did u really love me like i love you” because you always gone when i need for a help.And right now,i’m cry for heart bleeding,sit in the corner,and i’m preety sure that feeling now is heartbroken.I dont love you like I love you yesterday,though today i saw a couple same like my name and yours,and plus she also wearing a glass and that guy also got same height like you,and yet their anniversary also same like us.What a concidence.
p/s:nasib baik ada adik aku,stiap pagi n mlm,dia akan msg aku,at least xla pikir sgt psl bf aku tu,hehe..thnx zarip,syg kat zarip okies,jg diri lek lok kat poli tu ;)